Ordinary life
- Jana Machatova & Peter Machata
- 17 Sept - 10 Oct 2020

Jana Machatova, Brosche “peacock”, silver, resin, paper

Peter Machata, brooch “private spaces”, silver, Corian, zirkones
The Slavik Gallery is launching its autumn exhibition cycle with an exciting show of works by the Slovakian couple Jan Machatova and Peter Machata. The two artists are presenting their most recent works, which on the one hand may seem to be contrasting but at the same time betray and reveal long-standing bonds between them.
Inspired by the German-language women’s magazine FRAUENFLEISS from the year 1909, Jana Machatova tackles the subject of traditional female roles in the early twentieth century. Through the incorporation of narrative decorative elements, she creates brooches and pendants that tell stories of their own and evoke new associations.
The central theme of Peter Machata’s current art jewellery is: his hands. They tell stories of everyday life – what they touch, what they grasp, how they live and what comes into being under their influence. These symbolic hands begin to live and become expressive when they are worn on the body. The artist uses a material he particularly loves – Corian – to create jewellery sculpture of great charm and fascination.
Come to see these extraordinary pieces of Jewellery Art!
With warmest greetings,
Renate Slavik and Jutta Pietsch
brooch “CATHARSIS”
Peter MachataNr. 123606 -
brooch “irons”
Jana MachatováNr. 107009 -
brooch GLOVE
Jana MachatováNr. 107005 -
Peter MachataNr. 123602
brooch “.Like Two Birds”
Jana MachatováNr. 107011 -
brooch “CATHARSIS”
Peter MachataNr. 123605 -
brooch “CATHARSIS” #2
Peter MachataNr. 123607 -
brooch “Empty Spaces” #1
Jana MachatováNr. 107013
brooch “CATHARSIS” #3
Peter MachataNr. 123608 -
brooch “desire”
Jana MachatováNr. 107010 -
brooch “Vale of Tears”
Jana MachatováNr. 107012 -
pendant with necklace
Peter MachataNr. 123603