Art Jewellery in the starry starry night
- Alexandra Brachtendorf, Anna Heindl, David Kaiser,
Jill Köhn, Letizia Plankensteiner u.a. - 26 June - 27 July 2019

Anna Heindl, ring “star gazer triangle”, rose gold,
high quality steel, spinell
Summer party: 27 June 2019, 6 p.m.
Alexandra Brachtendorf, Anna Heindl, Attai Chen, Jil Koehn,
Jana Machatova, Peter Machata, Martina Mühlfellner,
Letizia Plankensteiner, Christoph Straube, Barbara Taeuffenbach,
Anne Talbot, Alena Willroth, Simone Winkler and others
26 June to 27 July 2019
STARRY STARRY NIGHT is an exhibition to dream of: filigree-fine synthetics creations by Alena Willroth that recall the lace collars of Old Master paintings; boldly coloured mounted brooches by Jil Koehn that come straight from the world of the imagination; art jewellery telling outlandish fairy-tale stories, built up in layers by Anna Talbot like the scenery of a cardboard puppet theatre; satiny soft-surfaced gold pendant earrings by Alexandra Brachtendorf that play charmingly with light and shade, shine and shadow; and rings sparkling with precious stones by Anna Heindl that are little sculptures in their own right. It’s a real Midsummer Night’s Dream …
ART JEWELLERY IN THE STARRY STARRY NIGHT features works by these five Slavik Gallery artists and a few others too. Suffused with poetry and resplendent with gorgeous colours, their jewellery is a tribute to the sensuous enchantment of the balmy summer night.
And the exhibition makes the perfect setting for Anita Eberwein to celebrate the grandeur of great human emotions with stories of love and songs of passion and desire. Come and join us – to laugh, perchance to dream, and maybe shed a tear or two – on a journey to exhilaratingly new and refreshingly different worlds.
You and your friends are warmly invited and we are looking forward to seeing you on this special occasion!
Renate Slavik & Jutta Pietsch
Anna HeindlNr. 101398
bangle red
Simone WinklerNr. 123006 -
brooch w. t.
Michael BeckerNr. 100565 -
Nicola HeidemannNr. 119325
Anna TalbotNr. 123401 -
Jil KoehnNr. 123202