Jewellery art and tapestry in the stream of time

  • Rike Bartels & Michael Becker
    Franka Lechner, tapestry
  • 3 May - 10 June

Rike Bartels, ring sculpture “Trotzki”, gold, agate, tourmaline, diamond

Michael Becker, ring sculpture, gold, quartz,

Presenting, marketing, and educating the public about contemporary art jewellery as an expression of art in the flow of time – for more than thirty years now, this has been the Slavik Gallery’s joyful task and vocation. Our latest exhibition is dedicated to three long-standing and very different Slavik Gallery artists.

In her highly sculptural art jewellery, Rike Bartels tells timeless stories that spring from the ever-flowing stream of life.

Michael Becker, for his part, is a master at exploiting geometrical form and creating surfaces of the utmost charm and refinement.

The painter, poet and textile artist Franka Lechner weaves tapestries that are models of fine artisanship – timeless works of decorative art with the power to strengthen our souls as we tread the path through life.

When times are as testing as they are now, we ride the flow and constantly draw joy, energy and courage from immersing ourselves in contemporary art jewellery and fine decorative art. We invite you to come and share in our delight.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Gallery!

With warmest good wishes,

Renate Slavik und Jutta Pietsch


Opening on the 4 May 2023

Vienna City Gallery Walk

Get an impression of the wonderful opening from the exhibition JEWELERY ART AND TAPESTRY IN THE STREAM OF TIME.

Rike Bartels, Michael Becker and Franka Lechner personally gave fascinating insights into their work.


The beautiful tapestries by Franka Lechner are a beautiful frame for the jewellery art works.

The artists Michael Becker, Franka Lechner and Rike Bartels with the gallerist.

Renate Slavik welcomes the people from the Vienna City Gallery Walk with Bodo Hell on their lead.

With the collegues Anna Heindl and Petra Zimmermann.

View of the main window.

Ring sculptures from Rike Bartels.

Helfried Kodré and Heidemarie Herb with the artists and Renate.

Interested visitors.

Rike with Doris Manninger, who ran Alchimia in Florence for a long time.