- Born in Barcelona on the 14 Th. of February, 1944
- Studying ceramics at the Escola Massana in Barcelona and she is a doctor for the Fine Arts of Barcelona.
- Individual and collectives since 1996 in different places in Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Las Canaries, Seville, Pamplona, Gijón, etc…) in foreign countries (France, Belgium, Swiss, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Hungry, Slovenia, USA, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Chine ).
- She obtains several awards. She is member of the International Ceramics Academy with head quarters in Geneva and of the Work – Graft Council in the UNESCO in Paris.
- She is invited to different public and private institutions to do seminars and lectures about the ceramics of great format, especially for public spaces.
- She has works in different collections as well as in National and International Museums.
- She is granted by Generalitat de Catalunya to make different studies on materials with sculptures intentions and their integration in the public space.
- Since 1988 she is been working on art works of great format for a urban space in Barcelona (Plaça de la Font Castellana 1992 ) in Manchester ( Catalan Square 1996 ), in Icheon Park in Corea (Memory Catalonia-Korea) and art works in a private space within Catalonia and foreign countries.
- Simultaneously to her ceramics art works. She works on paper, glass made hand and pictures since 1980.
Son esprit es mou – His spirit is moving
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La Pluja li somriu – The rain smiles at him
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El que uneix el cel i la terra – The one that unites sky and earth.
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Per invocar bons esprits – invoking good spirits
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L`arbre fosc – The dark tree
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Collage “Els crits de les fulles – the cry of the leaves”
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ceramic sculpture “book”
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ceramic sculpture “book”
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