Showing 1–16 of 18 results
ceramic sculpture ” book”
MadolaNr. 116808 -
ceramic sculpture “book”
MadolaNr. 116807 -
ceramic sculpture “book”
MadolaNr. 116809 -
ceramic sculpture “Book”
MadolaNr. 116810 -
ceramic sculpture “book”
MadolaNr. 116811 -
ceramic sculpture “book”
MadolaNr. 116812 -
Collage “Els crits de les fulles – the cry of the leaves”
MadolaNr. 116813 -
El que uneix el cel i la terra – The one that unites sky and earth.
MadolaNr. 116816 -
fish – el peix, 2003
MadolaNr. 116804 -
L`arbre fosc – The dark tree
MadolaNr. 116817 -
L`arca 2008
MadolaNr. 116801 -
La cadrira- – chair, 2006
MadolaNr. 116806 -
La Pluja li somriu – The rain smiles at him
MadolaNr. 116815 -
Misteriosa 2008
MadolaNr. 116802 -
Paraules 2008
MadolaNr. 116803 -
Per invocar bons esprits – invoking good spirits
MadolaNr. 116818